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About Me

I am a Puerto Rican graphic designer based in Brooklyn, New York. I have gained my 13 years of experience mostly freelancing in advertising agencies in Puerto Rico and NYC, start-ups, and working in film and television. Working with a broad range of clients, I have been able to become a multidisciplinary designer in packaging, advertisements, UI, book design, posters, and set design graphics.

I love to be of service to others and work well one-on-one or with large groups of people. I am a firm believer in design that communicates, and am passionate about combining words, images, and ideas to visually transmit information and project human experiences in print, on screen, or in space.


When I am not designing, you will find me rock climbing on the edge of a cliff or jumping off an airplane at 10,000 feet. But most of all, petting Beauregard, my cat.



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